PT Wahana Duta Jaya Rucika provides complete range of pipes and its connections with the Rucika brand and PVC glue with the RUGlue brand to meet all piping system needs. We have supplied hundreds of thousands of kilometers of various types of pipes and thousands of connections (fittings) to be installed in the network of water, gas, cable and other pipe installation systems throughout Indonesia.

RUGlue is PVC glue for pipe joints developed specifically by experts in tropical regions. With the latest formulas and technology, RUGlue offers an important advantage over other PVC products for household and commercial applications. Rucika recommends RUGlue as the preferred glue brand for all its pipe applications.

Since 1971, Djabesmen has produced various types and sizes of fiber cement roofing sheet with quality in accordance with SNI (Indonesian National Standard). With long experience as a manufacturer of building materials, we have gone through challenges which include: aspects of quality, procurement, service, distribution and good cooperation with distributors, in order to meet the increasing market demand. Djabesmen roof is easy to install, provides high comfort, and is safe for use in all Indonesian climate conditions. Using the Djabesmen roof means you have chosen the most efficient roof in terms of price and durability.

RB SHERA adalah kombinasi dari dua merek ikonik, RoyalBoard dan Shera, dalam industri papan silikat. Keduanya dikenal karena kualitas, varian, serta jaringan penjualan dan distribusi nasional yang kuat.
RB SHERA berkomitmen untuk memperkuat jaringan penjualan dan distribusi bahan bangunan di Indonesia, mendukung visi para pemilik dan inovator di bidang bangunan. Dengan produk ramah lingkungan, RB SHERA mewujudkan bangunan masa depan yang lebih baik, berfokus pada keberlanjutan lingkungan. Sebagai inovator papan silikat yang dapat menggantikan kayu asli, RB SHERA tidak hanya mengutamakan fungsionalitas, tetapi juga nilai estetika melalui tekstur dan warna alami yang dekat dengan alam.
Melalui komitmen bersama, RB SHERA memberikan dampak positif pada dunia, membangun masa depan yang lebih baik untuk semua. ini berapa karakter

PT. Granitoguna Building Ceramics was established in 1995 by Djabesmen Group, a local group well known in the building products industry. Operators of several brand leaders, the group has invested substantially in Granito’s success.
The Indonesian Granito™ tile range offers specifiers extensive colors across three finishes and surfaces treatments and is particularly well known for its premium quality polished tile ranges. Spanning residential, commercial and industrial applications, Granito™ provides architects an extensive selection of hard-wearing, homogenous ceramics tiles for any projects and all conditions.

PT. RAPI HIJAU PERKASA (affiliated with DUSASPUN) is an Instant Mortar manufacture under the brand name RAPI®, which has the Vision and Mission to lead to the ease of achieving work progress while maintaining quality as a priority.

Liksil is waterproofing product with many variety of products such as stone coating for water repellent, waterproofing paint and 2 components waterproofing. Developed and produced with the latest technology in industry, Liksil is the best choice for your waterproofing needs.

Over the last three decades, Royal Kitchen System provides a wide variety of products: kitchen sets, kitchen cabinets, and kitchen sinks. Royal Kitchen System perfectly combines a high quality stainless steel with an elegant and modern kitchen design, and it helps you bring the ambience of a clean kitchen environment to your home.

Our commitment to producing innovative and top quality products makes Fortuna one of the most well known brand specialized in aluminium ladder and clothes dryer. Fortuna provides complete range of the best quality products for your home with good economic values.

Tirta Max specialized in stainless steel water tank. To ensure strength and durability of our products, we tested each raw materials to finished goods at our Quality Control process. After years of perfecting, Tirta Max be a market leader in our respective field.